Liquid Penetrant Inspection in Alberta, Canada

Liquid Penetrant Inspection (LPI), also known as dye penetrant inspection or liquid penetrant testing, is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface cracks, porosity, and other discontinuities in a variety of non-porous materials such as metals, plastics, ceramics, and composites.

In LPI, a liquid penetrant, typically a colored dye or a fluorescent dye, is applied to the surface of the test object. The penetrant is allowed to dwell for a specific period, during which it seeps into any surface openings, cracks, or flaws through capillary action.

After the dwell time, the excess penetrant is removed from the surface, leaving the penetrant trapped in the discontinuities. A developer, either a dry powder or a liquid, is then applied to the surface. The developer acts as an absorbent and draws the trapped penetrant out of the discontinuities, creating visible indications.


The inspector visually examines the surface, looking for indications such as colored stains or fluorescent indications under ultraviolet light. The indications provide a clear contrast against the background surface, making them easily detectable.

LPI can be performed using different methods, including the visible dye method, where the penetrant is visible directly after removal, and the fluorescent method, where the penetrant contains fluorescent dyes that require ultraviolet light for enhanced visibility. Fluorescent Penetrant Testing and Solvent removable penetrant testing are common techniques within these methods.

Liquid penetrant inspection is a widely used technique due to its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and ability to detect small and shallow defects on the surface of various materials. It is commonly applied in industries such as manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, and construction to ensure the quality and integrity of components and structures.

Inspector Certification Requirements:

Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) PT Level I,II or III.
Americal Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) MT Level I,II or III


Contact US


(778) 963 - 5050

(587) 873 - 4790


Unit 70, 6660 Graybar Road
Richmond, BC  V6W 1H9

 7923 Cornett Rd (Unit- 208B)
Edmonton, Alberta  T6E4N7